Forest-City vision

Planting trees. growing communities

That's what it's all about

Introducing "nature into the city"

Venatata NGO is working to promote the Forest-City vision in Israel to make Israel’s cities green, shaded and benevolent. We introduce nature into the city: we plant in Urban spaces, set up therapeutic and community gardens, plant in courtyards, grow vegetables on rooftops, in balconies and homes.

We introduce nature into the city: We plant in urban spaces, set up therapeutic and community gardens, plant in courtyards, grow vegetables on rooftops and in houses to contribute to balancing the climate, creating clean air, carbon fixation, healing the soil, creating ecological continuity, promoting sustainable economic grow and encouraging a culture of planting and caring for trees as an educational instrument and a tool to connect between people, and between people and the land.

Why a Forest-City?

The climate crisis and man’s growing further apart from nature have triggered us to act. As a result of the massive building in cities “concrete deserts” were created – hot cities which will continue to get warmer in the coming years. Environmental pollution is also running high, the dense construction exacerbating the problem of rain-water seepage and extensive flooding of the urban landscape which makes it an unpleasant environment and the feeling of community belonging has lessened among the residents.


One of the main things we do in the association is to bring together people, and to bring together people and the environment. Our unique way of doing this is that instead of bringing people to nature reserves, we bring nature to people reserves: we plant in public urban spaces, we create therapeutic and community gardens, plant in courtyards, grow vegetables on rooftops. Introducing the forest into the city.

A society of solidarity

We connect between people and between communities, with an emphasis on supporting and involving populations with disabilities and special needs and connecting between people, between people and the community they live in and between people and the land.


A model for change

The activity is realized through three central aspects:

Raising awareness – providing tools for making a green domestic environment.

Planting trees – locating appropriate territories, finding a home for trees and organizing volunteer planting events.

Forest-City programs – setting up gardens in schools, rehabilitation institutions and accompanying projects with the collaboration and involvement of local authorities.

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