100,000 trees

The largest urban planting operation in Israel

100,00 trees

In order to realize the Forest-City vision in Israel, we set ourselves a goal – planting 100,000 trees in the next five years!

Join Israel’s largest urban planting campaign.

How will we plant 100,000 trees?

We embarked on a planting operation throughout the country, with an emphasis on planting in cities and creating green strips in agricultural areas and around settlements.

As part of the operation, hundreds of planting events are held in collaboration with companies and organizations, volunteers and surrounding communities, tree nurseries are established and a unique program called “Trees Seeking Land” is implemented.

Trees Seeking land

In the association, we created a smart system to connect people who want to plant, landowners, professional consultants, producers and donors.
The system is managed by the association and we have used it to plant over 3500 trees already!

Tree nurseries

A part of the project is the establishment of tree nurseries in cooperation with companies and organizations to increase the tree reserve in Israel.

The recommended planting season for most trees in Israel is in the fall – which causes many trees to go into a coma due to the cold. The nurseries allow us to preserve the seedlings, water them and give them time to grow strong and develop in fertile soil and in an environment safe from the weather, and after about a year, when the trees are strong enough, they are transferred to plantings throughout the country.

Tree Distribution

We distribute the trees according to community priorities – educational and rehabilitation institutions, schools, community gardens, in agricultural areas, public and urban spaces, and a number of trees were also planted in memorial gardens.
Beyond the distribution, the association accompanies the project on an ongoing basis with training for proper planting and maintenance and supervision of the condition of the trees through reporting and monitoring. All this with the aim of encouraging a culture of planting and care for trees.

Join the project and together
we'll plant 100,000 trees!

Giving And Receiving Trees Available Only Inside Israel But Donations Are International.

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adopt a tree

donate for a tree and we will make sure it gets planted

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