Accessibility statement

Venatata NGO considers it of utmost importance to make the website accessible to people with disabilities.

An accessible website improves the comfort and ease of use for people with disabilities.

The site provides a semantic structure for assistive technologies and support for the accepted usage pattern for operating with a keyboard using the arrow keys, Enter and Esc to exit menus and windows.

The site is optimized for display in browsers and for mobile phone use.

Below is a description of some of the operations carried out as part of the site’s accessibility effort:

* Accessibility menu in the upper corner of every page that allows:

– Change the font size

– Change the color contrast and the background color.

– Highlight links.

– Change the font to a readable font.

The site was tested for the highest compatibility for Chrome, Firefox and Explorer browsers.

*If a user of the site encounters an accessibility problem, contact us as soon as possible for a remedy at

This statement was last updated on 07/08/2022.

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