"What is the best time to plant a tree? Yesterday. And if not yesterday, than today!"

Support planting 100,000 Trees!

Join us, the soil is waiting for us

Campaign Goal 500,000 NIS

We actually require 10 million NIS to plant 100,000 trees, but if we succeed in raising 500,000 NIS, we can build an operation that will know how to raise the remaining funds and resources


Funds collected




268864 מתוך 500 אלף

What have we done already?

Trees and plants in cities
Volunteering days

How will we plant 100,000 trees?

A system we developed called “Trees Looking for Land” helps us connect between planters, tree donors, land owners, professionals, artists and event producers – to create thousands of planting events. We have already used this system to plant over 3500 trees, and we’re ready to go all the way!

Where do we plant?

We’ll plant on rooftops, on balconies, in schools, in rehabilitation centers, community gardens, private courtyards – and really – anywhere we can – because a Forest-City grows from the ground-up – it’s in our hands!

Why plant in cities?

  1. To lower temperatures by at least 4 degrees in heat islands
  2. Trees prevent soil slippage and enrich the ground
  3. To create soil which allows water to seep through and not flow over concrete and become polluted on the way to our ground water
  4. To grow our own organic food
  5. To allow for Carbon Fixation – trees are experts at taking carbon from the air and fixing it into the ground
  6. And apart from that, we also plant to support communities that need us, such as: victims of sexual assault, elderly, people with disabilities etc.

Testimonies by our partners who are already growing with us

Therapeutic gardens we've already established

Neve Hadar boarding school, Hod Hasharon - for children and youth at risk
Neve Hadar is a post-hospitalization boarding school for children and teens, ages 6-18, whose tenants lodge in the boarding school's facilities, and enjoy a surrounding and supporting therapeutic and residential experience.
Amen - The Land Where Woman Heal (Tivon)
Amen is a center of wisdom, celebration and female empowerment. At the heart of Amen is a healing community for women who are dealing with crisis following sexual assault.
Shalvata, Hod Hasharon
Shalvata is one of the first mental health centers in Israel to have made mental health services available in the community.
Uriel House, Rishon Letzion
Danny, the father of this house and others like it, has opened a place where friends who are on the autistic spectrum can live in love and comfort.
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What will we do together?

Venatata NGO has undertaken the task, along with you, to set up the Forest-City movement. Together we will transform cities in Israel, we’ll plant trees, plants, make the cities greener, set up green rooftops, walls with beautiful climbers, community gardens, therapeutic gardens in rehabilitation center for those who need us, and we will make the city and enjoyable, benevolent place.

Photos from our activities

We're in the News

The Giving Tree: The entrepreneurs planting trees to heal societies
The Giving Tree: The entrepreneurs planting trees to heal societiesYnet
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“They’re a group of young people aged 20 to 30, entrepreneurs, environmental, educational and community activists, with a vision to create Urban nature and bring Israelis closer to the land. Now they are fundraising 250,000 NIS in a crowd-funding campaign to set up 100 therapeutic gardens in 100 rehabilitation centers to heal marginalized communities in Israeli society.”
Very Green: The two entrepreneurs who want to see the forest inside the city
Very Green: The two entrepreneurs who want to see the forest inside the cityXnet
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“Hagai Hirschfeld and Shay Attias have set up an association that is trying to prove that it’s not a coincidence that the Hebrew words for “Forest” and “City” are made up of the same letters. If you have some spare land, they’ll be happy to plant a tree in it.”
The Ecotopia Revolutionary
The Ecotopia RevolutionaryDavar
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“We’re going to start making the cities green exactly from the most painful and hurt part of our culture… When a tree grows next to you it’s like its reminding you that life is happening, that they are continuing, that it’s not just you inside your loop, that you can overcome.”
The good neighbor day: The plant that will put a bit of green in the heart of Tel-Aviv
The good neighbor day: The plant that will put a bit of green in the heart of Tel-AvivTimeOut
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“The sweetest thing to happen in the city this week: people are passing on plant cuttings to their neighbors in a viral web challenge, all for a project that will create 100 therapeutic gardens in 100 rehabilitation centers. Finally we can breath a little.”
Do it yourself: The people decided to care for the environment
Do it yourself: The people decided to care for the environmentGlobes
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“Another way to work from the inside is to act as a go-between the local authorities and the public and environmental activists. Thats what Ecotopia, who founded Venatata NGO last month, is trying to do.”
Venatata: The Enterprise that is turning every day into Tu Bishvat
Venatata: The Enterprise that is turning every day into Tu BishvatMako
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“While everyone in the world is fighting against the damage to the environment, a few people have started a beautiful enterprise in lil’ ol’ Israel to help it in the most natural way – a public planting project to put us all back in our roots”
Channel 13 morning show with Naama Rozin and Elad Zohar
Channel 13 morning show with Naama Rozin and Elad ZoharReshet 13
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Aviv Beilies-Lerner and Maya Glantz-Lerner, founders of Venatata, on the morning show.
Helping with the healing process
Helping with the healing processKan11
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The grandson of a holocaust survivor started “Venatata”, and together with his grandfather set out to establish 100 therapeutic gardens in 100 rehabilitation centers across the country
Aviv Beilis Lerner from Venatata interviewed by Dalik
Aviv Beilis Lerner from Venatata interviewed by Dalik102FM
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Setting up 100 therapeutic gardens in 100 rehabilitation centers

What is a forest-city?

We plant in and around the city, in boarding schools, in psychiatric instituations, in senior citizen’s homes, community gardens, schools, kindergartens, private gardens, on rooftops and in main streets – the entire city becomes a forest!

Where do we plant trees?

A Forest-City is the smart city of tomorrow, a city covered with rich, diverse greenery, a city not just characterized by technology and personal achievements but where connection to nature and community is a prime value.

A map of our therapeutic gardens

Why plant trees?

Trees are beneficial for the body and soul. Recovery from surgery is cut short in the presence of trees; people tend to exercise more in the open air when there are trees around; violence and crime are on the decline in a forest environment. Trees mitigate the effects of noise and air pollution and enrich the air with oxygen.

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